Paris, France

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Weather: Some slight rain. Mainly mist.

Some views of Paris on Christmas day. I used the second day pass for the tour bus, L'Open Tour, and also took the two other routes. There are three in all. I've been using the wide angle lens and it's working out rather well as you can see. Again I'm pressed for time to add the details to each page yet since the weather is great. I'll add the info when it rains or something.

On one of the pictures you'll see this tiny car. It's like a clown car at the circus, so small, but people fit in it and there's quite a few of them on the road. Another observation I had while walking down the many streets is that most cars had dents in them. I can re-create the driving experience in Paris for you, imagine yourself in a bumper car ride with a little less bumping. Cars just going this way and that, but they do mind the stop lights, at least to let pedestrians cross.

Below is a panoramic picture in the square with the oblisk. You'll need the Apple Quick Time plugin to view it. To rotate from left to right, simply hold down your mouse button and move the cursor over the image. You can zoom in and out also using the Control and Shift keys.

There are more pictures that will be added and at a higher resolution, but since I'm using a modem things need to be kept at a minumum. Oh yeah, I'm using "Paris Free", which is as it's name states, a free Internet service provider. I only need to pay for the phone call which is about €3 an hour. Definitely a bargain.

360° of the Place de la Concorde with the Obélisque de la Concorde standing tall.

The Bastille
An ambulance rolls down the road
At the Oblisk
Riding down the Champs Elysee
Eiffel Tower at night
Another night shot of the tower