Paris, France

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Weather: Partly cloudy. Nice day overall

Again I'm pressed for time. The phone is funky at the new hotel and I'm unable to dial out. I don't know when this will get pushed to the web, but I think there may be an internet cafe close by, or so I was told.

I had several things planned for today, but it ended up being a total Eiffel Tour day. The wait in line was only about an hour. I paid the €6,50($7) to ride to the second level, forget that stair nonsense. You can ride up and down to each level if your ticket allows, mine did. Of course the top level was closed for construction, which was really happening as you'll see in the pictures. I'm just wondering when they're going to prep for the New Year's show.

I don't have time to really put together the different panorama shots so you'll just see some wide views in this series. There's also some shots of the tower and the people there. There are video's to follow once I get a faster connection to the Net.

360° view at Trocadéro Park

Trocadéro Park
Going up the Eiffel Tower
A shot from the tower
A shot from the tower
A shot from the tower
A shot from the tower
A pump on the tower
A cool hologram